OREGON INTERGROUP (OIG) is an OA service body. We serve OA groups from Longview to Salem and from the Coast to Mt. Hood. We provide liability insurance, newcomer and speaker meetings, meeting directories and a CD library. We host special events, maintain the phone line, web site and Google mail group, and sell literature.

We meet the second Wednesday of each month from 6:45 pm – 8:30 pm, on Zoom.  Click Find a Meeting  for additional details.

Each OA meeting may send two elected representatives who may vote; and all OA members are welcome and encouraged to take part.

Our mailing address is: PO Box 2429, Portland OR 97208. Click here for contact information for the board, committee chairs, and other service positions.

Oregon Intergroup holds elections for board positions every year in July; half the board is elected in even years and half in odd years, and terms are tow (2) years in length. This year, 2025, we will elect the co-chair, secretary, member-at-large and events coordinator. If you might be interested in running for one of these positions, you can look at the position descriptions, and you can contact a Board member for more information.

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