Oregon Intergroup provides a library of audio CDs of OA speakers from past retreats and conventions. It’s easy to use, and lets you boost your recovery even when it’s hard to get to a meeting. Oregon Intergroup wants to help everyone have access to as much program material as possible, and our CD Lending Library is part of that effort.

How This Works

Binders containing 6 – 12 CDs as well as mini sets of 4 CDs can be checked out atost Oregon Intergroup events including Intergroup meetings,  marathons,  workshops,  retreats,  or by special arrangements.
They are checked out on an honor system on a monthly basis.  All that is required is filling out the 4×6 card in each set with date checked out,  name,  and phone number turning the check out card to CD librarian.
For any CD that you decide to keep,  please deposit $2.00 per CD into the envelope provided in the set.  This fee will go to expenses in making a duplicate copy so the set can continue to be checked out
For further information, contact Jan Elkins at 971.338.1275 or at  [email protected]
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